CHEYENNE BACKGROUND INFORMATION Cheyenne, established 1983, now employs 230 and has gross annual sales of $170,000,000. They are based in New York, and are publically traded AMEX (CYE); Publicaly traded PSE. They develop and market - application software for decision support, communication software for networks and systems software for disk, tape, and file utilities. PRODUCTS PRODUCT DATE RELEASED APPLICATION NETWORK COMPATIBILITY PRICE ARCserve (V.4.0) '91 Dsk/Tp/Fl Utilities Novell Netware 286 +$1,195 " 386 +$1,895 Cheyenne Utilities '90 Ntwk Management Novell Netware 1.0 $395 Monitrix Ntwk Mgr - (V.2.1) July'91 Ntwk Management Novell $895 (V.2.2) '91 Ntwk Management Novell $895 Organization Analyst '90 Decision Support $15,000 Monitrix - for ARCnet (V.2.0) '91 Network management Novell, ARCnet $895 ARCserve 3.0 Storage Management Novell Netware 2.2 $1,195 Netware 3.11 $1,895 ARCserve 4.0 Nov'91 Storage management Novell 5 users $295 250 users $2,495 ARCserve 5.0 Nov'91 Storage management Novell Note. With the release of ARCserve 4.0, Cheyenne will restructure its pricing scheme to mimic that set by Novell for Netware. ARCserve released in '91 Fall supports Macintosh and NFS UNIX clients attatched to a Netware server. + $1,000 more and reieve a controller card. ARCserve Limitations Because it is server-based, files cannot be restored unless the ARCserve host server is active. In case of a server crash, files cannot be restored to alternative locations, such as to a local drive or another file server. It also means that if the server operating system is changed from Netware to something else, the files cannot be restored unless another NetWare server is available. PERSONNEL CEO/President: Eli Oxenhorn CFO: Elliot Levine VP Marketing/Sales: Alan Kaufman VP Engineering Dir: Jose Venura Business development Dir.: Jim McNeil SALES ARCserve - This is licenced to: ADIC, Archive Corp.,*Emerald Systems Inc., HP, Irwin Magnetic Systems Inc., Legacy Storage Systems, Pacific Micro Data, Sankyo Seiki America Inc., Storage Dimensions, Storage Solutions Inc., Standard Microsystems Corp.(SMC) Tallgrass Technologies,Tandberg, Tecmar, and Tense Lectronix Corp. - Who have customized, repackaged versions for their turnkey tape- backup systems. * - Emerald will continue to distribute and support its windows-based RAMP software solutions:EnQ, EmSave, and EmLib. FINANCIAL -For the year to June 1991 TOTAL Q4'91 Q3'91 Q2'91 Q1'91 Sales Revenue (up 5.6%) $177.6m $47.6 $44.9M $43.9M $41.2 Net $2.1m $1.1M $627,000 $239,000 $123,000 Net earnings per share $0.21 $0.12 $0.05 $0.02 $0.02 SUPPORT Cheyenne offers a one-year warranty with unlimited technical support. The technical support staff's hours are 8 to 5pm. Their documentation is rated very highly, making installation and operation a clear process Announcements Dec 16'91 Announced ARC/serve/Solo, a DOS-based backup and restore solution for workstations. ARCserve/Solo is compatible with DOS, as well as the most popular operating systems such as Netware, LAN Manager and LAN Tastic. Maintaining the sasme TAPE format as ARCserve, and supporting the majority of industry drives and host adaptors, provides ARCserve/Solo users a smooth migration path. Announced ARCserve 4.0, the latest version of its award winning server- based backup and rrestore solution for Novell networks. The new version integrates enhancements which allow ARCserve to achieve backup speeds of over 20MB per minute, and withy a soon to be announced Cipher Technology drive, reaches as high as 45MB per minute, making ARCserve fastest Netware server backup solution in the industry today. Available in December from $295. Announced that it has signed an OEM agreement with Archive Technology, Inc., and Cipher Data Products, Inc. ARCserve 4.0, Cheyenne's backup and restore SW solution, will be made available with the Archive Technology Anaconda high capacity quarter inch Tape drives. Cipher Data Products will offer ARCserve ver sion 4.0 packaged with its full line of drive systems, including its new Ciera half-inch Tape drive.